Marriage in the Bible: A Discussion Among Friends
(this page is about the Video Series)
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In short: many people turn to the Christian Bible for insight on and direction for various parts of our lives. I happen to think we ought to be a bit more careful about this practice,
at least in terms of what it says about "marriage,"
in particular in discussions about marriage equality, today.
Why don't you check out the Introduction video, below,
to see more of what I mean by this?
~ Introduction Video ~

Introduction to the Series
0:01-4:12 ~ Who this series is for & how you can expect Dr. Bird to approach the content
4:12-8:20 ~ Who Dr Bird is & why you can trust her on this topic
8:20-end ~ Overview of the remaining videos in the series
Taking this "personal inventory" before you begin the series, with a group of people you trust, will help you prepare for how challenging (or not) the content will be.
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The Leader's Guide to this Series has these three components for each video to help you get the most out of the series: